Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

change of plans...

Yesterday Makenzie started coming down with a cold and we took her to the Doctor today and she put her back on her breathing treatment (it is okay...she has some wheezing issues when she gets sick and it helps her heal faster!).

Of course she got sick yesterday...our original plan for the weekend: We were going to leave tomorrow and go to San Luis Obispo (1 of our favorite get aways) and stay there until Sunday morning to drive up to Hume for 1 night to pick up Shayna (we are so excited she is coming home during her break before Summer camps start)! Gary has been really busy the last 2 months working on our project for the moment (I will post pics of the final product next week!...it is BEAUTIFUL!) So we were so excited to just get away for a few nights...And as it sunk in this AM that our plans are no longer going to happen it hit me like a ton of bricks! Who cares! We still get 5 uninterrupted days of togetherness! Here at home...truly our favorite place on earth! We never plan our vacations to stay at home but why not!? We love it! So I am so excited of the change of plans!

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