Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

wanted to cry...

4 things happened today that made me want to cry...
#1- I was in the other room for a minute when Makenzie was having her snack of apple sauce at the kitchen table and I came back to her eating a stick of butter! Not the whole stick but at least 1/3 of it was consumed! I wanted to cry with laughter and fear for her probable stomach ache...thankfully no tummy ache occurred!

#2- Makenzie would not nap today! Gary was home for lunch and to put her down, but for some reason he wound her up (poor guy got an earful for winding her up! Sorry Gary!)so she couldn't sleep...I wanted to cry, because I had so much to do during her nap time so I was frustrated and then was laughing at myself for being so upset my daughter wouldn't nap! I mean really it was only 1 day...and then she napped on our walk this afternoon!

#3- Zac was in his chair and I walked in just in time to see Makenzie kissing his head so tenderly and sweet...I got a bit teary!

#4- I was making dinner and Gary and Mak were having shaved ice in the family room while watching a show...Gary came running in the kitchen to tell me what had just happened...Makenzie sat next to Zac and played with his head so tenderly and sweet during 1/2 of the show! SO ADORABLE! The tears came on hard! I'm so grateful she has done so well with the transition with a little brother!

Wow, I had an emotional day! Isn't it funny that there are tears of joy, tears of laughter and tears of sadness?...I hope when this life of mine is through I have had more tears of joy and laughter than tears of sadness...right now joy and laughter is kicking sadness's butt! YEAH! :)
After Maki's non-napping day we were playing in her room and she wanted Zac in her crib bed with her. Oh my gosh I love my kids! :) They are so dang cute I just want to squeeze them! AND I DO!
Here is a pic of the butter culprit! I had to take a pic and was laughing so much that I know I sent her the wrong message of saying no and it is wrong but laughing at the same time...oh well. Sorry it is blurry!

field trip!

Last week Makenize had a field trip with her Mommy and Me preschool. Gary took her and of course they had a blast! They always do! I ran errands with Zac sleeping! A weeks worth of errands in about 2 hours! I forgot how much less time things take when you don't have a 2 1/2 year old with you! BUT I WOULDN'T TRADE IT FOR THE WORLD! She makes every thing an adventure and so fun! She is always pointing out the flowers and people, she has really helped me to slow down...but that is another blog entirely! They all met at a bus stop and the whole class rode the city bus to a museum in Palo Alto and ate lunch in the park and played! They had a blast!
Here are a few pics from the day!
My precious girl...I am still trying to grow out those bangs.
Waiting for the bus!
playing at the museum!
that's my girl! :)
She is a monkey! I love it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is here and Easter is coming!

I love this time of year! For a couple of reasons, the weather, but more importantly the anticipation of Easter! The true meaning of Easter, the most powerful day mankind has ever known...During this Lent season Gary and I have been really focusing on all our blessings and being thankful for every last one of them. A friend of ours sent out an email challenging us to count our blessings, no not just the cliche "I'm so blessed, I can't count them" but truly counting our blessings. It got me thinking about all the blessings in my life, not just the big obvious ones but every last blessing. Especially the little ones, the ones that make every day more joyful! And it is an overwhelming feeling when I think of all the things the Lord has done for me and is to me...
A few updates on 2 of my biggest blessings...
Zac is 4 1/2 months old now! He is such a joy to be around! No really, he is the happiest baby EVER! All he does is smile! Unless he is hungry or tired of course! He is so content and fun! We call him Mr.Smiley or Happy!
Makenzie is at such a fun stage! I love spending all my days with her...she is such an amazing little person! She is so much fun and such a talker!

Here are a few pics and the bottom video is so cute of Maki when we were at Pismo Beach!
Mommy and Zac
Daddy loving on his boy...
Daddy tickling Zac...Zac is SO TICKLISH!
My precious boy...
My precious little girl...
Just a little background on this video...When Maki goes poo poo she tells us who she is doing it for...she dedicates them to people. Don't ask me why! I have no idea why either, but 9 out of 10 times she dedicates it to my brother Dave. Love you uncle D! ENJOY the video! Isn't her voice precious!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Shayna and Kevin came to visit last weekend! It was a really nice visit and we were so excited Shay stayed a few extra days! :) Mak and Zac miss her! Here are a few pics from the trip!
Kevin had already asked Gary for Shayna's hand over the phone but this was the 1st time he had a chance to really sit down with him and chat...The chat went well! :) Wonder if the gun is loaded?...
I didn't even notice what Kevin was doing until I just downloaded the pics! Careful Kev, he is going to be bigger than you 1 day...ok, since Kevin is 6'7 I doubt Zac will be bigger. But he will be taking Karate so watch out Kevin! LOL! :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Zac's 1st trip!

We took our 1st trip with Zac! We went down to San Luis Obispo last week, well we actually stayed in Pismo Beach. We had so much fun! We have so many fond memories of the area. When we lived in Valencia, Gary used to go up to SLO for business at least a few days every other week or so and of course I went with him :) We have always loved the area!
The kids were angels! We actually could not believe how smooth the trip went! PRAISE GOD! Makenzie loved playing on the beach but she really wanted to play in the water. She thought we were going to Hawaii to play at "her" beach. Sorry Mak! But she still loved it! And the place was dead...maybe it is the economy or maybe just a down week but either way it was like a ghost town. Of course we ate at Firestone every day! Firestone is our FAVORITE restaurant ever! It is a BBQ place that serves the best tri-tip in the world! And it is the only place my health food conscious husband eats french fries! We had our red meat intake for the month! But it was so worth it! Here are some pics of our trip!
our precious boy...
my view from the back...funny, I finally am all grown up and I'm back in the backseat again...funny how life goes! :)

playing on the beach!
getting ready for volleyball with Daddy!

so beautiful!

we really were on vacation, she was eating in bed!

calling Shayna! :)

so cozy!

Shayna's engaged!

Shayna got engaged this week! We are so excited! Shay and Kev are coming tomorrow so we will get plenty of pics to post! Yeah! :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

busy, fun weekend!

Sorry it has been so long since I made a post! I have a ton of pics from the last couple of weeks and I will blog about later this week but 1st...

We had such a great weekend! On Friday my dear friend from childhood, Courtney, flew in and we had the best time just reminiscing and talking about fun memories! Court-I love you so much! I cherish our friendship! We also got to see her hubby Mike on Sunday!
Then on Saturday AM Gary's sister Christy, her partner Molly and our precious niece Shya came to visit and meet Zach! SO MUCH FUN! Makenzie could not get enough of Shya, they had so much fun playing together! Makenzie is 2 1/2 years younger than Shya but only 2 inches shorter! And she weighs 2 lbs more! So they were about the same size! So cute! We had a blast visiting with Christy and Molly too! Christy has ALWAYS been one of my favorite people! We always enjoy our time with her and her family. Molly is wonderful too! She is just about 1 of the funniest people I have ever met! My stomach always hurts from laughing after a weekend with those 2! Thanks for coming up everyone! We love you all! :)
Court in her PJ's holding baby Zach!
Makenzie and Shya in the bounce house!
having a picnic with play dough
Christy and Molly! I know Christy looks nothing like Gary...yah right!
sandbox fun!
Shya tickling Zach!
My favorite shot of the weekend! I love that yawn!
Court and Mike with Zach!