Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reflective AM...

Call it reflective or call it weepy pregnancy hormones...not sure. But it is hard to not be reflective when you have so much of God's beauty around you! We feel SO BLESSED to have 3 weeks over here in Hawaii! It has been such an amazing time! I think now that we are in the home stretch of the vacation we are beyond relaxed and in a vegetative state of mind!

I actually feel like we are on a retreat...without the craziness of responsibility and distractions at home it is so easy to just focus on the Lord. On 1 of the 1st days of our trip I was talking with my sister-in-law Carrie on the phone about CS Lewis and she told me a quote that has been ringing in my head. My summary by CS Lewis "you don't pray to change God's heart, you pray to change your heart" I can NOT tell you what that 20 min. phone conversation did for my reflective heart. For 7 days I committed to not ask God for 1 thing (I did ask him for a parking spot at the Grocery store though..oh well!) I prayed for God to just make my heart aligned with His will. And it has been AMAZING! I can not tell you the peace I have had this whole trip with my new way of praying and thinking! Instead of looking at God like He was a candy machine who would indulge my every whim I have been really seeking His will with every prayer. Now I am not going to live in that extreme of not talking to God about my wants (even though He knows them better than I do!) but I am really going to TRY and focus on praying for His heart.

Well enough of my blabbering on...here are some pics of the beauty we have been seeing every day! I hope you enjoy! We are!

This is the moon's reflection on the water! Absolutely breath taking! We literally sit every night and just stare out at the water and the moon! Gary LOVES the moon!

This must of been some sailing club we only have seen them 1 time.
My FAVORITE view of the Ocean! :) I just couldn't post a blog and not mention my hubby and little girl! I AM SO BLESSED to have them in my life! :)

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