Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



just days old...

Oh precious Zach you are 1 today! Where do I start? You are so full of joy! You have been an absolute pleasure to parent Zach! Let's go back about a year or so...And what a year it has been! Let's start with Mommy's pregnancy...it was wonderful!...well for the 1st few months then it was horrible! And by horrible I mean...HORRIBLE! Mommy was so sick...trouble breathing...well trouble with everything. I had enough fluid for you and 2 other babies...polyhydramneosis...when the Dr. broke my water it was like I was normal again...I could breath and my heart no longer skipped beats...my blood pressure went from 149 over 90 to 119 over 70 almost immediately! I was induced week 37 and could not wait for that moment! My sweet boy I tell you all of this because I want you to know how much I love you...and I would DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN FOR YOU! You are so precious and wonderful...I really didn't know my life was missing anything until you were born...and now I have realized YOU were the missing piece! I now feel complete...although I didn't know I wasn't complete before...weird huh?. God gives you what you need when you need it I guess! You were quit the colic(y) baby...and by colic I mean COLIC! You screamed your head off for hours...and hours! But even then you were oh so cute. We took you to the chiropractor out of desperation and it was almost an instant transformation! From that moment on you were/are the happiest baby boy! We are so thankful to Dr. Tarr! You have had quit the busy year...You went from a diet of just breastmilk to now eating everything in sight! You love your food! Especially cheese & fruit (just like Mommy!)! You are so lighthearted and funny (just like Daddy!)! You laugh at almost anything and have the cutest smile and laugh (just like Makenzie!)! And you love being outside (just like Daddy, Mommy & Makenzie!)! You have been on a few trips this year on an airplane & by car...You love to fly but are not the biggest fan of your carseat! You are all boy...you climb everything in sight! And you love to cuddle! You sleep through the night! Mommy & Daddy THANK YOU for that ZACH! Your smile lights up a room and we are so thankful for you little one...
Happy Birthday!

Here are pics from his party Saturday and dinner tonight to celebrate our baby boy!

1 year later...
His train cake that I made him for his party! Daddy and Maki helped too!

His 1st experience with cake was wonderful!

opening presents with bis sisters!
His pal Brendan and him trying to break out from the party! ;)

Our dinner tonight!
They were just a little excited about the cake! Maki has been sick so it was wonderful to see a smile on her precious face!

The after party! Lively group, huh?! Look at Jaj sleeping! Both kids took a 3 hour nap as well! Nina (on the left) came with Shayna for the party! She is such a delight! :)

Cozy with Daddy!
Can't start brushing too soon, right?!
Action shot!

Where's Zach?!

Monday, November 9, 2009

It was bound to happen...

Yes, Gary and I both woke up sick last week...Gary is umm, how do I put it?...a horrible patient! But after a decade I think we are finally getting somewhere...! I have to say it was nice doing "nothing" and not having an agenda but I just wish we were feeling better so we could of enjoyed it more! THANKFULLY we are better now...but now precious Maki is sick...please pray for her and also that Zach doesn't catch it! This is like the craziest cycle of sickness ever! Ready for a sick free week for all of us! :)

And 2 cute little Maki stories!
#1 Makenzie last week...We were looking for tortillas in the refrigerator and for some reason I kept missing them...even though they were right there in plain sight where we always keep them...again, I was sick ;) After many moments of looking we found them and Makenzie said "we should pray and thank God for the tortillas!" So she dropped to the floor bowed her cute little head and said "Thank you God for the tortillas and the eggs! AMEN!"
#2 kind hearted Makenzie strikes again!
I put Zach down for a nap and Makenzie was playing in her room while I got ready for the day...I went to check on Mak and found her wrapping a book with a receiving blanket for Zach's B-DAY! I walked in and she said "look Mommy, I'm wrapping books to give to Zach for his Birthday!". Gosh I love this little girl...her kind heart never ceases to amaze me! I took a pic of the wrap job as well...gotta love all the tape she used! I'm thinking with a little direction I can have her wrap all the gifts for Christmas!

...Zach's dedication video is coming soon!