Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary my love!

I know that this blog is all about Makenzie but since I am the Producer and Editor I get to ultimately decide what goes on it...and Makenzie wouldn't mind me writing about her Daddy...Considering he is her favorite person in the whole world! I LOVE how much she loves him!

Wow 7 years! Like a fine wine...it keeps getting better (is that too cheesy?)!I am reminded daily why I married you Gary! You are(in no particular order): so loving, caring, handsome, kind, Godly, wise, and gracious. You make me laugh harder than anyone! It is amazing how you can make a "boring" day or night at home so much fun! You just LOVE life and it is contagious! You NEVER see the bad in anyone...your cup is always overflowing! You are a great son to our parents, brother to our brothers and sisters, father to your kids, friend to everyone and husband to me! Thank you for sharing your life with me!


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