Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Great Easter!

Today Makenzie amazed me again! So the last couple of nights when we have been putting Maki down we have sung the old but amazing song of "Jesus loves me"...we have changed some of the words at times to..."Jesus loves Makenzie"...well last night when I was singing to her she wanted to to change the words to "Jesus loves Daddy" and "Jesus loves Mommy"...so cute! So tonight when Gary was carrying Mak down the hallway from her bath I heard her say "Jesus la la May-May" Translation: Jesus loves Makenzie. It was the cutest thing EVER! I have prayed and dreamt of this moment since before she was born! I know she has no real understanding of what the words Jesus loves me means, but to have her say them on Easter was just an amazing blessing to G and me! Actually now that I think about it, do I even really understand what it means that Jesus loves me...I probably won't this side of Heaven. THANK YOU JESUS! :)

Here are some photos of the day! In some of the pics she has her Easter dress on...that is also the dress she wore in Josh and Em's wedding! Thank you Carrie for sending all those dresses that Camryn wore a few years ago! :)

Yes, Shayna's hair is dark now...she looks beautiful blond or dark! :)

I have not introduced Granny yet on the blog...Granny is Makenzie's 3rd Grandmother (she already has 2 AMAZING ones as well!) Granny was a neighbor a few years ago when I was pregnant and she would always come outside and visit with Gary and me when we would walk by her house. And from the very beginning she has been an amazing friend to us and Grandmother to Makenzie. Over the last few years we have grown really close with her...she really is part of the family now! She came over last week and taught me how to make an amazing Hungarian goulash...let me know if you want the recipe! We are very blessed to have her in our life! Makenzie loves it when she gets to see Granny! :)

Yummy Cake!

Mommy & Daddy Easter morning.
The back of her dress!

Look at that silly smile!

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