Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

God's goodness!

I am so overwhelmed by God's goodness! Words can not express my overflowing gratefulness and emotions! God is so good! I LOVE this stage of my life...I love that Zach is 8 months old and is all smiles! And Makenzie is such a joy! I can not believe how fun it is to be their Mommy! Nor how much work it is...lol! :) But worth it! After a very long week I went out to celebrate a great friend's birthday! Happy Birthday Kim! It was so great being out with so many people who mean so much to me and Gary! Gary stayed home with the kids and took care of dinner, baths and bedtime. SO GRATEFUL Gary is so hands on! I do know how spoiled I am that he is so capable and loves being so involved!
You know how after a long week things pile up on you...or at least they do for me...clothes out, playroom a mess, kitchen a disaster..ect. I came home and the house was clean...Gary spent his evening cleaning to try and lighten my load...honestly it is not necessarily the clean house that makes me so grateful (although I AM!) but just that he sacrificed his evening to clean the house while I was out with our friends so I wouldn't have to worry about it this weekend. Gosh this man humbles me! I love you Gary and am so grateful for your heart! And I love my friends! Dinner and bocceball was so much fun! We just reconnected with an old friend and I am borrowing his motto for a bit- "The Lord has been so good to me in spite of all He knows of me!"

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