Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
**updated! some pics from the wedding and our weekend with Tita and Jaja!
Hi! Sorry I don't have more wedding photos to post...Shayna is having technical difficulties with the images and her computer...I think it will be sorted out soon! So here are just a few from the ceremony in Lodi! The top 3 are from Tita's camera...thanks for emailing them Mom! :)

At the end of the night! Hence Gary and Zach down to their T-shirts...look how tired Zach looks! He was such a champ staying up so late!
Love that dress...and I love that Shayna had all the guys in khaki linen pants and white linen shirts...and of course sandals!
Gary walking Shay down the aisle... love this pic!
Praying. Look at that dress!

flower girl and me-matron of honor...so honored! We forgot her flower basket at home for the ceremony in Lodi...at least we didn't forget Gary's shirt this time! In San Diego like 3 hours before the ceremony Gary had to run out and get a new one! Thankfully they pressed it for him! I totally forgot it at home! Oops! Oh well, now he has a short sleeve and a long sleeve linen white shirt!
Makenzie pointing out the door to The Cheesecake Factory...every time we ask her where she wants to eat she says " The Cheesecake Letter Factory" Hilarious! She has a show called "The Letter Factory" and she puts them both together! She is so adorable!
"Ummmm...Daddy there is something on the table I want!"
Big hugs!
Mommy love...
Hmmm...I wonder where Zach gets his beautiful eyes from?!?!
My favorite pic of the weekend!
Daddy with his babies! We found a Chevy's in Foster City right on the water! BEAUTIFUL! Gary surprised me a couple weeks back on our date night and we loved the atmosphere so much we took everyone on Sat! Jaja LOVES the jalapeno jelly!
Our 1st solo dinner with Zach! Maki was on her date with Tita & Jaja! We had Sushi, Zach ate a ton of tofu!

I love this pic! Check out the look in my Mom's eyes! Why are all the pics of us at Restaurants?! I swear all we do is eat when they come to town!!!!
Maki's swim lesson! Ok so Makenzie is a fish in the water! She loves to swim so we thought we better get her swim lessons so she can really learn how to be safe. Rex is a swim coach and also happens to be the children's director at our Church...perfect! The guy is AMAZING with kids! And Makenzie LOVES him! We do too! Perfect right! Well she seemed like she was not into the swim lesson at all...and by that I mean she cried! And kept saying "I want to go home!" It was probably a pretty long 30 mins for Rex! Sorry Rex! But he was a champ and so patient with her! We were walking to the van and she said "Mommy, that was SO MUCH FUN! Can I do it again?!" I found it hilarious because she didn't seem like she was having fun at all. But I guess she loved it! She is so excited about her next lesson on Friday! We'll see how it goes!
Tita and Jaja came to town for the weekend! We had a great time and of course they took Makenzie on a date to dinner and the toy store! She had a blast! And it gave Gary and me an opportunity to spend an afternoon and evening with just Zach .
Shayna's Wedding
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
So I opened my blog up for comments! Be nice! jk of course! It only took me 1 1/2 years to add it! LOL! :)
Dani :)
Dani :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
update on my cuties!
Hi Hi Hi!!! Where to start!? I have not been as faithful on my blog as I would like to be! I guess the business of summer fun has been a bigger priority! One of the purposes of my blog- besides staying connected to friends and family-near and far, is for our kids to look back years from now to catch a glimpse of those memories! I also just started photo books for every year...basically I'm going to make a photo book for every year and in it will be a short summary of what we did, like travel or whatever was going on. Then when they are older I am going to give it to both of them. And of course keep a copy for us! We have so many pics (I'm addicted to my camera, as you all know!) and I want us to remember and have words with the pics...we'll see how it goes! :)
A little update on my cuties:
Zach-Wow where to start with this little guy! 9 months old last week! I CAN NOT believe how fast time goes! He is scooting and spinning everywhere! And he loves to stand, so much so that he locks his knees when you put him down and almost lays flat on his back before bending them because he just wants to stand! He is a babbler! Mama, mmmmm (means: food!) & daaaa-da are his most popular and most coherent words! He is such a happy boy still smiling at everyone and everything! And yes, sleeping great! THANKFULLY! 12-13 hours now..which is crazy compared to the 1st few months of life! I guess God knew I could only handle that for a bit! LOL! ;) He is in love with Makenzie and laughs at just about anything she does- even take toys out of his hand! Let's hope it stays that way! And this boy can eat! It still shocks me at how much he intakes at a meal...just this AM for breakfast: rice cereal and pears, 1 whole banana, yogurt and pancake! I'm thinking he has Gary's metabolism! Can't wait for the grocery bill when he is in High School! I still feel bad for Gary's Mom and all that he ate when he was in High School! Sorry Nonnie Pat! Looks like Zach is paying us back for you! ;)
Zach bundled last night in San Fran! The weather was beautiful! It felt like Fall was here! :)
Precious Makenzie Lee...she is loving her gymnastics class! They actually moved her up into an older age class and I was a bit nervous because she can get distracted (as all 3 year olds can) but she has so impressed me with her attention span with the coach and all the other kids. She loves helping and loves wearing her ballerina outfit to the class! I will have to post some pics next week...hopefully! :) She is really into singing all the time now...it is really cute when we are driving somewhere she sings to Zach-"makes him happy!" she says. So cute! She is such a helper and loves anything we ask her to do! How do we continue this into high school!?LOL! And she is a chatter box! Some times so much that Gary and I can't get a word in...I know, crazy! LOL! She loves to dance and is constantly giving us dancing lessons! Her specialty right now is ballet. But her new favorite thing to do is go to the grocery store where they have little shopping carts for kids. She gets to push her own cart and fill it with things from our list! She usually doesn't get away with putting other random stuff in it because I catch her and ask her to put it back. But last week she snuck ice cream cones in! I found them when we got home! I was actually really happy they got through! :) It is so much her favorite thing to do that she asks almost daily to go! It is so much easier for me now because I can put Zach in the cart and push him around versus carrying him in the carrier on my chest.
Maki with her new panda! She loves her new little guy!
A little update on my cuties:
Zach-Wow where to start with this little guy! 9 months old last week! I CAN NOT believe how fast time goes! He is scooting and spinning everywhere! And he loves to stand, so much so that he locks his knees when you put him down and almost lays flat on his back before bending them because he just wants to stand! He is a babbler! Mama, mmmmm (means: food!) & daaaa-da are his most popular and most coherent words! He is such a happy boy still smiling at everyone and everything! And yes, sleeping great! THANKFULLY! 12-13 hours now..which is crazy compared to the 1st few months of life! I guess God knew I could only handle that for a bit! LOL! ;) He is in love with Makenzie and laughs at just about anything she does- even take toys out of his hand! Let's hope it stays that way! And this boy can eat! It still shocks me at how much he intakes at a meal...just this AM for breakfast: rice cereal and pears, 1 whole banana, yogurt and pancake! I'm thinking he has Gary's metabolism! Can't wait for the grocery bill when he is in High School! I still feel bad for Gary's Mom and all that he ate when he was in High School! Sorry Nonnie Pat! Looks like Zach is paying us back for you! ;)
Precious Makenzie Lee...she is loving her gymnastics class! They actually moved her up into an older age class and I was a bit nervous because she can get distracted (as all 3 year olds can) but she has so impressed me with her attention span with the coach and all the other kids. She loves helping and loves wearing her ballerina outfit to the class! I will have to post some pics next week...hopefully! :) She is really into singing all the time now...it is really cute when we are driving somewhere she sings to Zach-"makes him happy!" she says. So cute! She is such a helper and loves anything we ask her to do! How do we continue this into high school!?LOL! And she is a chatter box! Some times so much that Gary and I can't get a word in...I know, crazy! LOL! She loves to dance and is constantly giving us dancing lessons! Her specialty right now is ballet. But her new favorite thing to do is go to the grocery store where they have little shopping carts for kids. She gets to push her own cart and fill it with things from our list! She usually doesn't get away with putting other random stuff in it because I catch her and ask her to put it back. But last week she snuck ice cream cones in! I found them when we got home! I was actually really happy they got through! :) It is so much her favorite thing to do that she asks almost daily to go! It is so much easier for me now because I can put Zach in the cart and push him around versus carrying him in the carrier on my chest.
making memories,
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm finally posting pics from our Buffalo trip! Sorry, I had so many pics to go through...I really do need to cut back! I guess everyone is right, I do take way too many...lol! ;)
Buffalo was so much non stop fun! Where to start?!?! We stayed with my parents at their house on the river for the 1st few nights and ended our trip at my brother Dave's house! We had such a blast with all our family and friends that are like family back there! Makenzie and Zach had such a great time with all their cousins! Mak talks about them all the time! My parents threw a huge 4th of July party because their house has the BEST view for fireworks. Thanks everyone for making our trip so great! It was like going to 2 completely different places...My parent's house is on the River so we went fishing, on the boat and walked a ton! And D and Michele's house is in the country so we were on their property the whole time we stayed with them...and there was so much to do! SO many pics, it was so hard to narrow them down...
Kenzie did not want to stop picking raspberries at Uncle Dave and Aunt Mich's house! She ate a ton! As you can see...
picking raspberries!
more raspberries...
my bro's...why am I so white?!
my beautiful boy and his wonderful aunt-my brother doug's wife...
my precious boys!
the birthday kids! aaron, elijah and monica!

dave, my dad and isaiah on the boat on dave's pond...
Maki had a blast paddling until jaja got the motor going!

Zach was actually looking tan on this trip...until he was next to Uncle D!
Dave with baby Zach...look at his beautiful eyes!
Isaiah and Hope have such a great playroom! And look at what they are playing with! LOL!

we rode and rode and rode! Makenzie loved it!
Dave and Gary being silly...they were pretty annoyed with me taking pics so they were teasing me with a funny pose! Haha, I posted it! LOL! ;)


my bros! again...why am I so white!?
my precious God-daughter Mony! I love you Monica!

pile up!

salt and pepper...
we love orange!

My parents bought all the kids those flashlights for the 4th...They were a hit!
4th of July party at my parents!
aw...me and my bro! Dave being silly...
Isaiah you are a cutie!
precious Makenzie
This was the climbing wall...entertained them for hours!
Mel (Carrie's sister who lives in Buffalo now), me and Carrie.
Ana, Carrie and Mony! 

Everyone! Doug and Carrie look this way! LOL!
Tea time! Considering we had 5 kids under 4 everyone got along great!
Buffalo was so much non stop fun! Where to start?!?! We stayed with my parents at their house on the river for the 1st few nights and ended our trip at my brother Dave's house! We had such a blast with all our family and friends that are like family back there! Makenzie and Zach had such a great time with all their cousins! Mak talks about them all the time! My parents threw a huge 4th of July party because their house has the BEST view for fireworks. Thanks everyone for making our trip so great! It was like going to 2 completely different places...My parent's house is on the River so we went fishing, on the boat and walked a ton! And D and Michele's house is in the country so we were on their property the whole time we stayed with them...and there was so much to do! SO many pics, it was so hard to narrow them down...
dave, my dad and isaiah on the boat on dave's pond...
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