A little update on my cuties:
Zach-Wow where to start with this little guy! 9 months old last week! I CAN NOT believe how fast time goes! He is scooting and spinning everywhere! And he loves to stand, so much so that he locks his knees when you put him down and almost lays flat on his back before bending them because he just wants to stand! He is a babbler! Mama, mmmmm (means: food!) & daaaa-da are his most popular and most coherent words! He is such a happy boy still smiling at everyone and everything! And yes, sleeping great! THANKFULLY! 12-13 hours now..which is crazy compared to the 1st few months of life! I guess God knew I could only handle that for a bit! LOL! ;) He is in love with Makenzie and laughs at just about anything she does- even take toys out of his hand! Let's hope it stays that way! And this boy can eat! It still shocks me at how much he intakes at a meal...just this AM for breakfast: rice cereal and pears, 1 whole banana, yogurt and pancake! I'm thinking he has Gary's metabolism! Can't wait for the grocery bill when he is in High School! I still feel bad for Gary's Mom and all that he ate when he was in High School! Sorry Nonnie Pat! Looks like Zach is paying us back for you! ;)
Precious Makenzie Lee...she is loving her gymnastics class! They actually moved her up into an older age class and I was a bit nervous because she can get distracted (as all 3 year olds can) but she has so impressed me with her attention span with the coach and all the other kids. She loves helping and loves wearing her ballerina outfit to the class! I will have to post some pics next week...hopefully! :) She is really into singing all the time now...it is really cute when we are driving somewhere she sings to Zach-"makes him happy!" she says. So cute! She is such a helper and loves anything we ask her to do! How do we continue this into high school!?LOL! And she is a chatter box! Some times so much that Gary and I can't get a word in...I know, crazy! LOL! She loves to dance and is constantly giving us dancing lessons! Her specialty right now is ballet. But her new favorite thing to do is go to the grocery store where they have little shopping carts for kids. She gets to push her own cart and fill it with things from our list! She usually doesn't get away with putting other random stuff in it because I catch her and ask her to put it back. But last week she snuck ice cream cones in! I found them when we got home! I was actually really happy they got through! :) It is so much her favorite thing to do that she asks almost daily to go! It is so much easier for me now because I can put Zach in the cart and push him around versus carrying him in the carrier on my chest.
Thanks for the update!
Hopey didn't sleep through the night until 8 1/2 months. I think it was the reflux..and then is when it went away. Is Zach's gone?? But ever since then...she was a great sleeper. So let's hope Zach is too:)
I did gymnastics with the two of them last winter, but it was a really big place. Isaiah wanted to explore everything else besides what they wanted him to do. So I pulled them out. Does she go to a small place?? I am thinking about going back but I dont know if they can be in the same class again.
Love and miss you guys!
I know his reflux is not completely gone...although we have cut back on his meds a bit. I really can not believe how well Zach has been sleeping! 2 nights ago he was exhausted and we put him down at 530p...he slept until 730a! We couldn't believe it! The place we go to now is a full on gymnastics gym (HUGE!)...they host competitions there for older kids...AMAZING! The class is relatively small (2-6 kids per week) and is fast paced...the coach does and incredible job of keeping all the kids focused and having fun! I would try it again and see how it goes! Isaiah is so athletic I'm sure he would LOVE it! And do so well! We miss you guys too! LOVE! xoxo! :)
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