walking pneumonia (Zach) + walking into a cactus (Mak) + a hand sliced open (Gary) + the flu(Mak) = our October!
Good BYE October! Still waiting to hear back on the results if it was the swine or just your old run of the mill flu for Maki.
HELLO November!
Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
I am so overwhelmed...overwhelmed with gratitude! Today, well yesterday because it is now 1:20AM as I sit here and type...we dedicated Zach. We stood before the congregation of the Church we attend...the Church we love, and committed to raise Zach to know Jesus...not just meet Jesus, but to KNOW Jesus. It is 120am...why am I awake?...we even went to bed early! I'm awake because a little past midnight Zach stirred in his bed and I looked at the monitor (LOVE video monitors!) and saw him cuddle back up with his blanket and go back to sleep...in that very moment my heart was flooded with emotion! Mostly gratitude and a little disbelief...I know it may sound crazy but at times I really wonder if my life is just a dream and I'm going to wake up and realize it. I FEEL LIKE I DESERVE NOTHING THAT I HAVE! Mostly, a God who loves and wants to know me! Jesus is my bestfriend...not because I have been that great of a friend because I haven't. There are days when He calls and I don't answer, there are times when He has asked me to do something for Him and I don't...but yet HE still loves me! My gratitude does not stop there...God has blessed me with 2 of the most amazing little children. Makenzie with her sweet kind spirit and Zach with his constant smile and joy for life...why has He given me so much?! And of course my hubby who loves me unconditionally and is exactly what I need/want!...so wonderful that my need is exactly how God aligned my want.
I truly know that my life and Zach's commitment to Him are in His hands and for that I am grateful! If they were in mine I know I would surely mess it up! Please pray for Zach to come to know and honor God all of his days...and to live a life close to the Lord. I know life can be so hard...I just don't know how people could go through it without the strength from God...I surely could not.
Ok, I really should go back to bed...Zach will be calling me early! Nothing beats the sweet call of "ma-MA!"...although it is a little sweeter after 7am! ;)
*I will post dedication pics later this week and hopefully a video of the dedication for family and friends who couldn't make it!
I truly know that my life and Zach's commitment to Him are in His hands and for that I am grateful! If they were in mine I know I would surely mess it up! Please pray for Zach to come to know and honor God all of his days...and to live a life close to the Lord. I know life can be so hard...I just don't know how people could go through it without the strength from God...I surely could not.
Ok, I really should go back to bed...Zach will be calling me early! Nothing beats the sweet call of "ma-MA!"...although it is a little sweeter after 7am! ;)
*I will post dedication pics later this week and hopefully a video of the dedication for family and friends who couldn't make it!
Zachary's dedication
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Our trip to San Diego!
Well we had a blast in San Diego! Minus a run in with a cactus for Maki. :( She was so brave for Daddy & Aunt Christy as they worked on her arm for a good 30 minutes pulling out cactus thorns! She was AMAZING! So amazing Uncle Mot and Aunt Jill lavished her with cake and ice cream afterwards! She was so excited! It wa so much fun spending time with everyone!! I must note that Makenzie is absolutely in love with Shya...by love I mean obsessed! She had so much fun with her big cousin! Thanks everyone for such a great time! And especially for Nonnie Pat for putting up with all our chaos! We love you all!!!!
Shya and Makenzie! Makenzie LOVES Shya soooo much!
I love this shot...these poor kids and the paparazzi! Look at Gary behind them taking another shot!
Gettin' some lovin' from Aunt Christy!
Aunt Christy and Makenzie at dinner! Barefoot grill of course!
a very bright airplane ride!
can you say cutie?!
shhh..don't tell him we put Shya's crown on him! Although he can pull any color off!
Molly pulling something out of his mouth! LOL!
Dr. Daddy and nurse Christy working on Maki's arm...look at her little face...poor thing was so upset! But she was so brave!
Uncle Tom planting with the girls!
Molly and Gary! Thanks for recycling Mol! ;)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gotta laugh...or cry! ;)
What does your baby do when they are left for 30 seconds in reach of an in & out milkshake?! Here is what ours does...
Thankfully he is such a cutie!
I didn't have time to take a shot of Makenzie waxing our floors with water and an eraser from her chalkboard while I was putting Zach down for a nap! Serves me right for not putting a show on for her when she asked! LOL! :)
***We got home from San Diego last night and I will try to post pics tonight! So much fun with all Gary's family! Love you guys!
I didn't have time to take a shot of Makenzie waxing our floors with water and an eraser from her chalkboard while I was putting Zach down for a nap! Serves me right for not putting a show on for her when she asked! LOL! :)
***We got home from San Diego last night and I will try to post pics tonight! So much fun with all Gary's family! Love you guys!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Cutie Mc'cutie!!!
Oh my gosh Makenzie cracks me up!! So today we all went for our flu shot...uck! 2nd attempt...Friday was our 1st appointment and they ran out of shots so we had to go back today. Makenzie being 3 years old was not so excited about being poked...with Zach we just distract him, they poke, he cries, we comfort, all is well...with Maki not so easy. She knew today was the dreadful day...we talked about it all AM...she negotiated and tried to rationalize as best as any 3 year old could..."I don't want to go Mommy!"..."I'm tired Mommy, I need a nap! Put me to bed!" yes, she would rather go to bed than get a shot...me too! ;) So there we were in the Dr.'s office, the nurse comes in, Maki starts crying and throws 1 of her worst tantrums EVER! Thankfully Daddy was there to help! Gary holds her while she continues to scream, the nurse puts alcohol on her arm then puts the shot in...while the shot is still being injected Makenzie screams out "THANK YOU!" and says "that didn't hurt at all!" my little nugget is so cute! Gosh I love this child! So all the stressing out for nothing!
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