Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HAWAII pics!

I have finally uploaded our Hawaii pic highlights!
Looking at all these pics makes me want to go back tomorrow!!! Oh gosh, do we love Hawaii!! Every time we are there we always talk about moving permanently...it is just so complicated with the schooling for the kids...private schools are really the only way to go...not to mention we would really miss our family and friends! We'll see if we ever end up over there..? God, what do you think?

There are a TON! ENJOY! :)

I love my boys!!!

Ashley (my cousin!) came out for a few days with us!!! We love you Ash! This was the day she was leaving...Maki was not so happy about it.

He pushed that chair everywhere!

She was so excited to have those umbrellas!

Maki's snack she made!

Zach's 1st haircut! Why does my husband look scared with me holding those scissors? haha

Zach not really getting the concept of binoculars! ;)

Cheeseburger in Paradise!


Sunrise! Thanks for the early wake-up calls kids! ;)

Going on a date! THANKS Ash for babysitting!

Gary telling stories to Maki...precious!

Zach and Diamondhead in the background!
so cozy!

knocking Daddy over!
she had such a blast boogy boarding!

this is what we did for hours a day!

I love this pic!


Big hugs!!!

1 of my favorite pics!

The view from Hula's...


A gingerbread house in paradise!
such a cozy sleeper!

napping on the plane! :)

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