Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

9 years...

9 years ago today a young, naive, Bride said her vows to a wonderful man of God who she fell in love with unexpectedly...I really didn't know what I was getting myself in to...

Today, 9 years later, that Bride is so GRATEFUL that young Bride followed her heart and married that man...My naive-ness allowed me take a leap of faith in to a man who loves me fully and unconditionally. I'm so glad I didn't think about what I was doing...and I just went with my "gut/heart"...my gut/heart does not steer me wrong...ever! You were without doubt the best decision I have EVER made! Cheers to the young Bride making the best decision of her life @ the ripe old age of 21! Although I'm pretty sure there was divine intervention so I can't take all the credit! ;)

Gary you are a GIFT!

Gary Lee you so complete me...
I am MORE in love with you today than 9 years ago, if that is even possible!
FOREVER I am yours...and thank you for being eternally mine.
Together forever my love...together forever!

Gary you are more than I could of ever dreamed of! Thank you for being so wonderful!


It was fun to reminisce and read old blog posts about our Anniversary...but WOW, my cheese factor is SUPER HIGH! Oh well, THANKFULLY we love cheese! ;)




1 comment:

Carrie said...

cheese.. I love it...you all are so sappy, sticky sweet.Happy Anniversary !!! May you have many many more