Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Slacker Mom of the Day AWARD!

I totally deserve the slacker Mom of the day award today! Every morning the kids brush their teeth in Makenzie's bathroom...well the only difference was today I let them brush for like 15 minutes (they LOVE brushing and playing in the water!) while I was on the phone with Carrie (my sis in law!) right outside the door because they were a bit loud...in my defense (a VERY weak one I might add!) I did check on them every couple minutes and I could hear from being right outside their door they were having fun! And then I heard a little whine from inside so I opened the door to see Makenzie washing Zach's hair with hand soap! They were both soaked and poor Zach had soap running in his eyes! So they both had a late AM bath too! I did have great conversation though with Carrie! Thanks Cpaz!!!

At least he smiled for the pic! He is such a ham!!


Carrie said...

HaHa sorry I took you away...I had fun talking with you though...

Unknown said...

Your kids are way too cute for their own good!