Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life changing...

Life never stays the same...the only constant is that life changes (a LOT!) or maybe that is just true for our life! ;) Thankfully Gary and I adjust well with change...although now that I'm getting older I feel a bit less spontaneous...but of course my hubby's game for anything the Lord has in store!
In our 10 years together our life has changed....a LOT! With every change we mourn the loss of the familiarity and consistency of routine only to find that the next phase has brought us closer together, closer to the Lord-probably because when big life changes are about to happen we are always on our knees so much more (wish we could just stay on our knees more consistently/continually), and more rewarding in some way. So with this next phase of trust and obedience...here goes!
I'm thankful that in this life of change there are a few constants that never change...my hubby by my side...unless we are running because then he is always in front of me! ;) a God who loves me and has a plan already in place for my life. A family who supports and jumps on board and who are some of my closest confidants. Friends who are there no matter what is going on and how busy life gets...to pick up the phone and feel like no time has passed (even though sadly, much time has!). And precious children that God has blessed us with...It is crazy to think that from now until eternity passes I will be Zach and Mak's Mommy...such a privilege and honor!

So stay tuned as our life changes yet again, in an amazing way...


*I know I owe my faithful blog readers pics from the last few months!!! I'm sorry to all 3 of you! ;)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Thanks for sharing that Dani. Isn't amazing that being brought to our knees is such a joyful and God-honoring experience!