Last night after dinner Makenzie asked to watch a show...she wanted to watch Pingu. Pingu makes Makenzie and Gary for that matter gut laugh! It is not a good show right before bed but she had been asking to see it all day so I said she could watch 1 Pingu (5 min. short show) and 1 Barney (around 15 mins.). And her response made my jaw hit the ground!...
Makenzie's reply "Yeah! 2 shows!"
She is 2 years old and 5 months and she added 1 +1!
Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we long as we travel there together! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Let's talk about the elephant in the room...
Yes, that is really me in this pic! I posted it a few days ago and apparently shocked some people who haven't seen me in a while...mainly my brother Dave whom I haven't seen since July! But they are coming out soon! YEAH! Yes, I am HUGE! I know, I know! No, I am not carrying twins! So here is the deal...I have condition when I am pregnant that is called hydramnios...basically my body produces way more amniotic fluid than the average pregnant lady. It can in some cases be harmful but NOT in ours! Thank the Lord! We actually didn't know I had it until I was in labor with Maki. If it was a problem it would of come up much earlier in the pregnancy. My Doctor figured it out with Makenzie when every time I stood up my "water broke" again! I won't get into details but Niagara Falls comes to mind! It actually became very comical for Gary and me during labor! Especially when the nurse's changed shifts.
So long story has no effect on this pregnancy accept Zach has much more swimming room than most! Look out Micheal Phelps, Zach has the advantage! We actually think this is why Makenzie is a fish in the water and LOVES to swim! The fun part of it is people thought I was ready to deliver at 6 months would just make us snicker a bit. Other than that I am up about 6 times a night to go to the bathroom (but I think most are at this point in pregnancy)...I just feel bad for Gary because I end up waking him up every time on accident. There is just no simple way to get out of bed at this point!
So all is good! My belly is just huge!
Monday, October 27, 2008
So adorable!
Oh my gosh Makenzie is so adorable!
This AM we went out to breakfast and on the way home this was the conversation in the car...
Maki- "Mommy, Daddy us not go home yet!"
Gary- "where do you want to go sweetie?"
Maki- "us go pick up Zachary, bring him home!"
She plays with her dolls all the time and burps them and puts them to bed..."just like Zach!"
I hope she is this excited when he arrives! Any advice on how to keep up this enthusiasm up after the birth from her would be great! email me!
This AM we went out to breakfast and on the way home this was the conversation in the car...
Maki- "Mommy, Daddy us not go home yet!"
Gary- "where do you want to go sweetie?"
Maki- "us go pick up Zachary, bring him home!"
She plays with her dolls all the time and burps them and puts them to bed..."just like Zach!"
I hope she is this excited when he arrives! Any advice on how to keep up this enthusiasm up after the birth from her would be great! email me!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!
Friday, October 17, 2008
I've heard the voice of God!
Ok so maybe not literally, or actually not even really His...Here is the story!
Makenzie was outside in the backyard with Tita (my mom) and they were playing. We have huge Redwood trees in the yard and Tita said "Makenzie look at the top of the tree!" Mak looked up and almost fell over and said "WOW, so big Tita!" and then this is the cute part:
My mom said "Thank you Jesus for the blessing of such a beautiful big tree!"
Then Mak responded in a deep voice pretending to be God "YOU'RE WELCOME!"
I thought my mom was going to die laughing! It was so cute! We had her say it again and I got it on video! I am going to have Gary upload it for me this weekend to the blog but I had to post this cute story!
Makenzie was outside in the backyard with Tita (my mom) and they were playing. We have huge Redwood trees in the yard and Tita said "Makenzie look at the top of the tree!" Mak looked up and almost fell over and said "WOW, so big Tita!" and then this is the cute part:
My mom said "Thank you Jesus for the blessing of such a beautiful big tree!"
Then Mak responded in a deep voice pretending to be God "YOU'RE WELCOME!"
I thought my mom was going to die laughing! It was so cute! We had her say it again and I got it on video! I am going to have Gary upload it for me this weekend to the blog but I had to post this cute story!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
SCREAMING from the rooftop! :)
Sorry it has been a while since my last post. We have just been living life and on a regular schedule. It has been REALLY GREAT! :) We traveled so much this summer that is has been fantastic to have a routine now! Not that I am complaining about my summer at all!
As the birth of Zach gets closer I am more and more overwhelmed by JOY! How fun he is coming soon! I am dying to hold my little Gary! I am so grateful to be where I am in life...I feel like I am the most blessed person ever! The Lord has been so good to me...He is so amazingly faithful and gracious! He ALWAYS gives me what I NEED! Not necessarily what I want ;) but definitely what I need...and He always, always shows me that He is really in control! Gary is so amazing...he has been so supportive and is such an amazing hubby! I love my hot hubby!;) And Makenzie...where do I start?! I LOVE being her Mommy! I never EVER thought I would love being a Mommy as much as I do...And now being prego with Zach I can't tell you the joy in my heart...words can not express how grateful I am for my life! If I had a rooftop that I could scream off of to tell the whole world I would! But I guess that is what my blog is for, right!? So here is my scream: THANK YOU LORD! I LOVE MY LIFE! :)
Here are a few pics...
Kenzie being silly and look at G's gorgeous eyes!
Maki with Jon blowing out Jon's candles! We love Jon! :)
As the birth of Zach gets closer I am more and more overwhelmed by JOY! How fun he is coming soon! I am dying to hold my little Gary! I am so grateful to be where I am in life...I feel like I am the most blessed person ever! The Lord has been so good to me...He is so amazingly faithful and gracious! He ALWAYS gives me what I NEED! Not necessarily what I want ;) but definitely what I need...and He always, always shows me that He is really in control! Gary is so amazing...he has been so supportive and is such an amazing hubby! I love my hot hubby!;) And Makenzie...where do I start?! I LOVE being her Mommy! I never EVER thought I would love being a Mommy as much as I do...And now being prego with Zach I can't tell you the joy in my heart...words can not express how grateful I am for my life! If I had a rooftop that I could scream off of to tell the whole world I would! But I guess that is what my blog is for, right!? So here is my scream: THANK YOU LORD! I LOVE MY LIFE! :)
Here are a few pics...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Zachary Daniel Sumner
Gary couldn't WAIT any longer to tell everyone our son's name! We also felt like it was the right time because Makenzie is now talking about him by name all the time! She used to say "Buddy" and "baby brother" but now she says "Zachary!", "Zach" and "Zachy".
A couple days ago she said "Me love Zachary so much!" She is so adorable!
A couple days ago she said "Me love Zachary so much!" She is so adorable!
Zachary means: remembered by the Lord.
Daniel means: God is my judge.
Here are our thoughts on Zachary Daniel: #1 Zachary comes from Zachariah. Zachariah was a priest and the husband of Elizabeth. Their son was John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in the river Jordan. #2 I have loved the name Zach since I was in High School! :)
Daniel: #1 Daniel was the name of a really Godly man in the Bible. #2 Gary really wanted Zach to have something of me in his name since Makenzie has his middle name. My middle name is Marie, that wouldn't work so we came up with Daniel. We are so excited to meet our little boy! We are 33 weeks now and are ready! :)
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