Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'm finally posting pics from our Buffalo trip! Sorry, I had so many pics to go through...I really do need to cut back! I guess everyone is right, I do take way too many...lol! ;)

Buffalo was so much non stop fun! Where to start?!?! We stayed with my parents at their house on the river for the 1st few nights and ended our trip at my brother Dave's house! We had such a blast with all our family and friends that are like family back there! Makenzie and Zach had such a great time with all their cousins! Mak talks about them all the time! My parents threw a huge 4th of July party because their house has the BEST view for fireworks. Thanks everyone for making our trip so great! It was like going to 2 completely different places...My parent's house is on the River so we went fishing, on the boat and walked a ton! And D and Michele's house is in the country so we were on their property the whole time we stayed with them...and there was so much to do! SO many pics, it was so hard to narrow them down...
Kenzie did not want to stop picking raspberries at Uncle Dave and Aunt Mich's house! She ate a ton! As you can see...
picking raspberries!
more raspberries...
my bro's...why am I so white?!
my beautiful boy and his wonderful aunt-my brother doug's wife...
my precious boys!
the birthday kids! aaron, elijah and monica!

dave, my dad and isaiah on the boat on dave's pond...
Maki had a blast paddling until jaja got the motor going!

Zach was actually looking tan on this trip...until he was next to Uncle D!
Dave with baby Zach...look at his beautiful eyes!
Isaiah and Hope have such a great playroom! And look at what they are playing with! LOL!

we rode and rode and rode! Makenzie loved it!
Dave and Gary being silly...they were pretty annoyed with me taking pics so they were teasing me with a funny pose! Haha, I posted it! LOL! ;)


my bros! again...why am I so white!?
my precious God-daughter Mony! I love you Monica!

pile up!

salt and pepper...
we love orange!

My parents bought all the kids those flashlights for the 4th...They were a hit!
4th of July party at my parents!
aw...me and my bro! Dave being silly...
Isaiah you are a cutie!
precious Makenzie
This was the climbing wall...entertained them for hours!
Mel (Carrie's sister who lives in Buffalo now), me and Carrie.
Ana, Carrie and Mony!

Everyone! Doug and Carrie look this way! LOL!
Tea time! Considering we had 5 kids under 4 everyone got along great!
Monica holding Zach!
Aunt Mich getting piled on! There are actually 4 kids in this pic...but one is in the belly! Yeah another baby! Mich was a champ with so many of us at her house during her 1st trimester! Glad you are feeling better Mich! :)
Zach being a ham at dinner! That was his 1st night of tofu! He loved it!
Hopey holding Zach!
Ana and Makenzie at Darien Lake! It was such a fun, hot day!
I love my boys!
Isaiah and Hope have turkey's! Makenzie had a blast watching them!


Michele said...

Love all the pictures!! They are so great.

Can you send me the ones Gary took of Isaiah. I would love to have them.

And....did I really look that tired and horrible the whole time you were here. Yuck!

Sumner Family Fun said...

1st of all chick you did not look horrible! 2nd of all you are prego silly! and you were a champ the whole time! there was so much chaos and you took it all in stride! THANK YOU! sending pics now... :)

Marilyn said...

It was great seeing you all again. Your kids are just adorable!!!