Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our New York trip!

So here are the highlights from NY! It was so HARD to pick the photos to put in! We took so many! OK...I took so many! Sorry family I know I drive you nuts! I don't know where to begin, we had such a wonderful time! We are very fortunate that we all get along so well! Not many families can last 2 weeks together! Makenzie had a blast! She played non-stop with her cousins! Cade (10) and Camryn(8) are such great examples and such a HUGE help! I am so proud of them! And the little ones...they all played so nice together! There were no real meltdowns! Isaiah (2) and Hopey (1) are just adorable and were VERY gracious with all their toys when we stayed with my bro Dave and his wife Michele! And Ana (2) and Monica (1) are such great little girls! Maki really misses them! She keeps saying "Ana banana!" and "baby mony!". So cute!

My God-daughter Monica's 1st birthday party! She is such an amazing little girl...she has the most wonderful disposition...and lungs! YEAH! :)

Maki hugging Monica!
Swimming at Uncle D's and Aunt Michele's!
The view of the River!

From my parent's yard on the 4th! So AMAZING!
There are a ton of pics of Maki and her cousin Ana...they played non-stop!

Tita helping Kenzie wash her hands.
Our niece Hope!
My sister-in-law Carrie and I learning to make Baklava! Lumya (our relative from NY...she owns an amazing restaurant) makes the BEST baklava EVER! :)
Our day at Darien Lake!

Jaja with Cade and Camryn floating down the River!

Lunch overlooking the Falls!

Isaiah (our nephew) getting a head rub from Mak!

Tita and Jaja!

I just loved this pic of the girls making sure that door stayed closed!
Ana Banana!

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