Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Nesting has been the theme around our home for the last few weeks! You should see Gary's "honey-do" list! Poor guy! I am so crazed! He has worked his way down the list just for me to think of more things to add to it...but he has happily done every task WITHOUT complaint. And trust me, some of the random things I have requested have deserved a BIG complaint! He just says "nesting is done once the baby comes right?". I can't believe how supportive and patient he has been in my obsessiveness! THANKS GARY! :)
So last week my Mom came up for a couple of days and it was so GREAT! Not because she organized my pantry and cupboards, and not because she organized Makenzie's playroom, or because she organize Makenzie's closet, cooked, cleaned and even babysat Maki so I could go to coffee with a friend! But it was GREAT just to have her here! Yes, I am SO GRATEFUL for all her hard work...and I worked her! She knocked off a few things on G's honey-do list too so he was so thankful too! She is just such a fun lady! Thanks for all the laughs Mom! And Mak had a blast with Tita! They had so much fun playing together!
I was thinking this AM about Mary and how she must of felt carrying the "king of the world" and how strong her nesting instinct must of been! And she didn't even have a home to nest! She had a donkey and probably a bag of belongings. How upset she must of been when they got to the Inn and they only had space outside in the manger for her and Joseph. How sad! And I was thinking how important it is to me to have everything in it's place for our new baby. My Mom said something so profound that it has just been ringing in my ears! "The only thing that baby needs is you and Gary and how much you both love him!"...Wow, what a thought...he doesn't need my pantry to be organized or my laundry room organized! He just needs to know how much his Mommy and Daddy love him...He just needs us! Not the "stuff" that I think is so important for his first few months...He just needs us! What a reality check for me! Thanks Tita for all your help and incite! :) Here are a few pics...
Big hugs!

Maki really thought Tita should wear a bib for her meal! So cute!

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