Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

just happened to hear...

Mornings around here are usually pretty hectic especially on Sundays when we are trying to get everyone out the door and to be on time for Church. As I am sure they are in any home. This AM was like any other, we were all in the kitchen getting ready for breakfast. Gary was at the stove making pancakes, Zach was in his fishy chair, Mak was already sitting at the table waiting for her favorite pancakes and I was trying to get the table ready and drinks for everyone. Gary put Mak's pancakes on her plate 1st and I just happened to hear her say in a very quite voice "Thank you God for this beautiful dinner."
I stopped in my tracks and just took a deep breath...I was so focused on getting things done that I almost missed such a special moment. And I realized that I am often focused on my tasks that I must be missing so much...especially things that come out of her precious mouth. She talks ALL DAY LONG...and I mean ALL DAY LONG! At 2 years old she was speaking in sentences so I should not be surprised!
So I am committing yet again, to slow down and listen...

** So funny Makenzie still calls every meal dinner no matter how many times we explain the differences...she says no, they are all just dinner. I don't know where she would get her stubbornness from? Or her mind of her own?...LOL! Wow, we are in trouble! LOL! :)

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