#1- I was in the other room for a minute when Makenzie was having her snack of apple sauce at the kitchen table and I came back to her eating a stick of butter! Not the whole stick but at least 1/3 of it was consumed! I wanted to cry with laughter and fear for her probable stomach ache...thankfully no tummy ache occurred!
#2- Makenzie would not nap today! Gary was home for lunch and to put her down, but for some reason he wound her up (poor guy got an earful for winding her up! Sorry Gary!)so she couldn't sleep...I wanted to cry, because I had so much to do during her nap time so I was frustrated and then was laughing at myself for being so upset my daughter wouldn't nap! I mean really it was only 1 day...and then she napped on our walk this afternoon!
#3- Zac was in his chair and I walked in just in time to see Makenzie kissing his head so tenderly and sweet...I got a bit teary!
#4- I was making dinner and Gary and Mak were having shaved ice in the family room while watching a show...Gary came running in the kitchen to tell me what had just happened...Makenzie sat next to Zac and played with his head so tenderly and sweet during 1/2 of the show! SO ADORABLE! The tears came on hard! I'm so grateful she has done so well with the transition with a little brother!
Wow, I had an emotional day! Isn't it funny that there are tears of joy, tears of laughter and tears of sadness?...I hope when this life of mine is through I have had more tears of joy and laughter than tears of sadness...right now joy and laughter is kicking sadness's butt! YEAH! :)
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