Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

field trip!

Last week Makenize had a field trip with her Mommy and Me preschool. Gary took her and of course they had a blast! They always do! I ran errands with Zac sleeping! A weeks worth of errands in about 2 hours! I forgot how much less time things take when you don't have a 2 1/2 year old with you! BUT I WOULDN'T TRADE IT FOR THE WORLD! She makes every thing an adventure and so fun! She is always pointing out the flowers and people, she has really helped me to slow down...but that is another blog entirely! They all met at a bus stop and the whole class rode the city bus to a museum in Palo Alto and ate lunch in the park and played! They had a blast!
Here are a few pics from the day!
My precious girl...I am still trying to grow out those bangs.
Waiting for the bus!
playing at the museum!
that's my girl! :)
She is a monkey! I love it!

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