We had a great Birthday weekend planned for Makenzie! I baked cupcakes for her Mommy and me preschool class on Thursday and was so excited for her 1st chance to have her classmates sing to her on her Birthday! Seriously, I was more excited than she was! And low and behold I woke up Thursday at 3AM with a very high fever and the aches...I know my 1st thought was the swine flu! And then I realized I had a clogged milk duct (sorry gentleman readers!)...Mastitis! AGAIN! 3rd time! I so overproduce milk it is crazy! I think I am going to start weaning Zach...So I didn't get to go to her special day at school..thankfully Gary had a flexible AM so they could both still go! I was feeling so guilty...this Mommy guilt is so real! And we had plans to go to breakfast this AM and then to Color Me Mine right next door to Stacks...but I was not up for it at all so we postponed.
Thursday afternoon I went to the Dr. and waited and waited to be seen. My Dr. was out of town so I was waiting on the on call Dr. who had to go and do an emergency C-section. So I pleaded with the nurse to just get me the prescription. I pleaded my case that this is the 3rd time and I was certain of what it was...she said she had to go ask another Dr. but she wasn't sure if they would prescribe it without being examined. I was actually quit shocked, I mean really why would I try to get antibiotics if I didn't need them? It is not like I was trying to get vicodin or some other narcotic although the pain I was in I would of taken them too! Just antibiotics...So I texted Gary and asked him to pray. I was feeling crummy and did not want to wait another hour or longer to be seen...the nurse came back and gave me the prescription!
This is the touching part...I called Gary and told him what happened and he told Makenzie.
His conversation with Makenzie:
Gary- Mak, Mommy got the medicine! See Jesus always takes care of Mommy!
Mak- I know Daddy...and He takes care of you and me too!
I didn't know that they had sat in the backyard to pray for me together and that Gary had used the opportunity to show Mak another glimpse of Jesus...so glad he did! My heart melted when I heard her cute little voice in the background say those words...I mean seriously nothing is sweeter than that! Kids really do listen!
I was so disappointed about the change of weekend plans but realized that all Makenzie cares about is time...she doesn't care what we do. Sure she would love to paint at color me mine but the easel in the backyard is great too! She just wants us...I want to plan all this elaborate stuff and organize fun events but she just wants to get wet, color, paint, sing and dance! And she is perfectly happy doing it at home. This AM we put Zach down for a nap and Mak and I sat on the couch and made necklaces for an hour! So fun yet so simple! She loved it! On a side note...Gary is a champ, he wore the necklace she made him all day! Even to meet with a client and out to eat! Makenzie was so proud! Seriously, what a great Daddy! (I highly endorse the "Melissa and Doug" necklace kit! Hours of entertainment!)
I need to remember less is more with children too!
I am also suppose to co-host a baby shower for my dear friend Walker tomorrow but am obviously not up for it. Jessy the other host is fantastic and is covering everything! Jessy, I don't know if you ever read my blog but THANK YOU! You have been fabulous to plan and organize this shower with! And Walker, I love you and am so sorry to miss it! I can not wait for our kids to grow up together! You are going to be an AMAZING Mommy! :)
Praying for my antibiotics to kick in soon but in the mean time enjoying the down time and marathon necklace crafts!! I am totally channeling Martha! :)