Sweet baby girl,
Where did the time go? You were in a hurry to get here, 5 weeks early and HEALTHY! You have so much energy and life Mak! You are enthusiastic about everything! You bring so much joy to so many...but especially to your Daddy and me! You are non-stop fun and excitement! You make parenting fun! We love you beyond words little one...Thank you for being so amazing!
We love:
your little hands when you grab ours to hold,
your spontaneous hugs,
your spontaneous "I love you's!',
your laugh!,
even your cry,
your joy,
your wisdom (you are so much older than 3!),
your creativity!,
the way you always remind us to pray and your excited "AMENS!",
the way you always want to go on an adventure outside,
your sweet and loving concern for Zach,
the way you love to make him laugh,
the way you laugh when you play chase with Daddy,
your frequent ballet lessons for Daddy and Mommy,
how you love DANCE PARTY! We know you won't be going to Master's College,
the way you care for big dolly,
little one we could go on and on...
"I'll love you forever...I'll like you for always...as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!" No words are truer or send me to tears more easily every time I read them!
We love you so much!
Daddy & Mommy
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