8 reasons I love you...
You are:
a man after God's heart
a man after my heart
a man who loves his children deeply and completely
a man who loves others unconditionally and wherever they are
the MOST forgiving person I have ever met
and of course handsome! ;)
(I have to say it was hard to narrow them down to 8! I was sitting here frustrated I couldn't narrow them down and choose...and then I thought, what a great problem to have!)
I love everything about you (even the things that drive me crazy!)...because that is what makes you, YOU!
Thank you for all you are to me and all you do for me and our family!
Me :)
Some of my favorite pics of us over the years...It was so fun reminiscing looking through old photos! FUN TIMES! :) It was hard to narrow them down (I'm seeing a theme of having a hard time narrowing things down)!