Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

prayer request for Zach...and us!

Please pray for Zach...long story made short...since he was born he has been a loud breather. I guess you would call it labored breathing. So last week we changed pediatricians (we just did not have peace with how the old one was dealing with the situation) and it was a "concern" to his new Dr. There are several explanations and some are not worrisome...some are very worrisome. So tomorrow we are getting him a chest xray.
Prayer request:
1-that there would be nothing major wrong
2-that the doctors have wisdom with how to deal with it.
3-that God would give us peace and wisdom with what to do.

He does not seem bothered by it and he is growing very well! 15lbs.1oz at his 2 month appointment. I keep reminding myself that our little boy is in God's hands and that God will take care of him...just praying for God's will. And continued faith to depend on God in this whole situation...

Thanks for praying!

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