Our Life!

Our Life!
It doesn't matter what road we travel...as long as we travel there together! :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

special moments

Special moments happen all the time and tonight the thought came to mind during yet another special moment...why don't I write them down?! So today is a new day...I am starting a special moments journal. A journal my great friend Jenny gave me for my B-day...thanks Jenny! And you thought I wouldn't have time to journal with 2 kids! LOL! :) I encourage everyone to keep a special moments journal...I know so many special things happen and at the moment we think we will never forget it but days go by, even years and the memories drift away...maybe it is just me with a terrible memory?...

Our special moment tonight:
I bought Gary the DVD "Celtic woman" (we love Celtic music!...don't judge unless you have listened to it! It really is AMAZING!) and we were watching it tonight after dinner with the kids. They sang a song called "The Prayer" a very famous song that we played at our wedding made famous by Andrea Bocelli...it was so special to be sitting listening to a song from our wedding with our babies...full circle I guess you could say.

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